So pair a sunflower shirt with pale wash jeans, or a buttercup yellow jacket with a khaki safari skirt and a nude top. 以是日头花色调的衬衫最佳搭一件洗患上发白的牛仔,金凤花色调的夹克与卡其色半身裙一路穿,再加一件裸色打底衫。
The colour works best teamed with creams, beiges and khakis. So pair a sunflower shirt with pale wash jeans, or a buttercup yellow jacket with a khaki safari skirt and a nude top. 黄色和奶油色调、米色以及卡其色搭配最相得益彰。所以太阳花色调的衬衫最好搭一件洗得发白的牛仔,金凤花色调的夹克与卡其色半身裙一起穿,再加一件裸色打底衫。
Small early-flowering buttercup with shiny yellow flowers of western North America. Inflorescence paniculate, rachis tawny tomentose; female flowers borne on basal part of the inflorescence. 北美西部的一种小形的早花毛茛,花黄色、有光泽。花序圆锥状;花序轴被灰黄色短绵毛;雌花著生于花序轴下部。
Perennial Old World buttercup with golden to sulphur yellow flowers in late spring to early summer; naturalized in North America. 多年生的东半球毛茛,开金黄至硫磺色黄的花,花期在晚春至早夏;在北美被广泛移植。
The buttercup is a wild plant with bright yellow cup-shaped flowers. 毛茛是一种野生植物,开杯形黄色花。